Caffeine: Customer Service App
Quickly and efficiently service customer questions about account and billing information.
A customer service representative is often the first line of defense in troubleshooting a user's problems with your product. If the CS rep is efficient in providing help, customer satisfaction goes up and perceived value in your product and brand also increase.

This project passed through many designers' hands before landing in mine to gather feedback, refine, and launch.
Building meaningful relationships between those who need help and those who can help.
About the Company
Rocket Lawyer is a platform for consumers and small businesses to solve and manage their legal problems with DIY legal documents and quick access to legal advice from lawyers. The company’s mission is to make the law affordable and accessible to everyone.
Business Goal of the product
To cut payment processing costs, Rocket Lawyer built its own eCommerce platform. We used this opportunity to design and build an app to provide our customer service representatives a way to quickly and efficiently service our customers' account and billing needs.
Building meaningful relationships between those who need help and those who can help.
Note: This product was designed for large screen use only. It is not responsive and does not work well on smaller devices.
Building meaningful relationships between those who need help and those who can help.
Other recent work
Building meaningful relationships between those who need help and those who can help.